Mechanism for Measuring the Level of Satisfaction of Beneficiaries with the Provision of E-Training Style Programs
Mena Training improves its practices in providing electronic programs by following a clear mechanism to measure the level of satisfaction of beneficiaries represented in the following:
Target group (beneficiaries):
Axes through which the level of satisfaction will be measured:
- Organizational: Administrative cooperation with the trainee and the trainer (from the time of registration to the implementation of the program).
- Technical: The capabilities used in training for beneficiaries and technical and educational support service.
- Training: Interaction from the trainer, training benefit and return from the program.
- Training site: Building evaluation, halls evaluation, equipment used.
Measurement time and mechanism:
At the end of the training program, the electronic questionnaire is presented to the beneficiaries.
The results of measuring the level of satisfaction are used in:
Developing the e-learning process remotely.
Explanatory video for the evaluation process within the platform:
Video URL