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  • In order to improve the health of populations - the rationale for the discipline of Public Health, prevention is the key. This course is designed to explore some of the theory and application of prevention with a population focus.

    How to navigate the course

    Each section comprises some introductory remarks. To access resources we think you will find interesting - click on the blue 'hyperlinks' and on the collections of resources. There is a forum in each section for reflection, and each section also has a quiz to check your understanding of some of the concepts in that section. Again click on the hyperlinks to take you to these items in each section.

    We encourage you to reflect on what you have learned or comment on the course. When you click on the blue hyperlink in each section labelled reflection, you will be able to add a new topic or respond to a previous one. You may want to share your learning from this and other readings, comment on the topics from your own experience, comment on others' posts, or provide feedback on how we can improve the content and presentation. You can also comment through adding a blog entry - the blog menu is in a block top right of the course page. Click on Add an entry about this course and you can make a comment and attach a document if you want. You can also view all other entries about the course, and view all entries you have made in the OOC site if you are enrolled in other courses, for your portfolio.

    In the final section you will see that you can gain a Certificate of Completion - the requirements for this are to view the Resources in each section and gain a pass mark in the quiz at the end. This is a self-directed course, to be taken at your own pace. We encourage you to reflect on the issues, maybe make notes as you go along as this is a good way to be sure that you can internalise the information presented and the lessons to learn from it. This can then become part of your personal development plan.

    If you are stimulated to learn more, Peoples-uni has a number of modules for individual study for CPD or towards an MPH

    Creative Commons License
    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.